Due to limited space in our mobile van, we will only carry certain medications. We have partnered with local area pharmacies to ensure all medications are dispensed in a timely manner for all patients.


We offer an online pharmacy that simplifies refills for medications, heartworm prevention, flea/tick products, and et cetera. Please be sure to plan at least 5-7 days shipping time for any medication requests, expedited shipping options are available. Requests through our own online pharmacy are checked daily unless our office is closed. It is our policy to honor other online pharmacy requests. Sometimes these cannot be accessed as easy or quickly as our own so please allow 48 hours for authorization.

Visit our online pharmacy


All prescriptions filled, in accordance with the Tennessee State Law, must have a VCPR. We cannot offer medical advice or dispense medications without an established VCPR. If your pet is sick and needs treatment, please request an appointment by contacting us at We may contact you regarding an appointment if we notice a lapse in your VCPR and you request a medication refill. Please don’t wait until your pet is out of medication to make this request.


Some medications are not guaranteed through certain online pharmacies due to illegal diversions and selling of counterfeit medications. Researching any online pharmacy is always recommended to ensure there has been no disciplinary action per the Board of Pharmacy. As suggested by the American Veterinary Medical Association, you can also inquire with the State Board of Pharmacy to determine whether a pharmacy is licensed within the state and the status of their license. In addition, accreditation by independent programs can give you more information about an online pharmacy.

One third-party accreditation includes:

The National Association Boards of Pharmacy Verified Website Program